Anki’s co-founders, Hanns Tappeiner and Boris Sofman, recently attended a robotics presentation at Carnegie Mellon University. Focusing on their company’s work with consumer artificial intelligence and robotics, Tappeiner and Sofman detailed Cozmo’s most exciting features. Here’s what we found during the hour and a half presentation.
Cozmo is pre-configured with 536 animations courtesy of the Anki’s animation team. This number is set to double a few months after launch in October, so expect over 1,000 animations by early 2017.
Some 42 minutes of original music have been produced for Cozmo. The music comes into play when Cozmo is engaged with users in games, activities, etc.
There are roughly 1.2 million lines of code in order to make Cozmo work. The developer SDK only requires users to input a few lines of code to get the most out of Cozmo. Anki hopes anyone, beginner or advanced, will be able to program Cozmo.
Cozmo’s “emotion engine” runs in the background of user-created programs. If for example, a user programs Cozmo to explore a table top, it will still playback certain emotions. However, users can turn off the emotion engine while churning out Cozmo programs in the SDK.
324 parts with 200 assembly steps go into manufacturing Cozmo, but due to the rigorous product testing, it’s physically impossible to ship a defunct robot. Cozmo does not activate unless it passes the test.
Cozmo is slated for release in the United States on October 16th. Pre-orders are available on Anki’s website where Cozmo retails for $180 and ships two days early.
Source: YouTube Image: Anki (modified)
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